Purslane, Red Gruner
from $8.99
Portulaca oleracea
Tasting notes include earthiness, mildness, and spinach.
Known little hogweed, pigweed, pursley, pirpirim, pourpier, or verdolaga. Native from the Mediterranean to Australasia. This strain is known for it’s pinkish red stems.
Cuisine: Purslane is commonly used as both a green and an herb in dishes from Turkey, Mexico, Italy, Greece, and Morocco, among others. Similar to okra, purslane becomes gummy when cooked and can be used as a thickener.
Pairings: Oils, citrus, yogurt, cheese, nuts, kale, and leafy greens, and pungent flavors like olives, garlic, radish, anchovies, or other seafood.